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Collaborations with other EU-funded projects 


MELCHIOR is an EU-funded Coordination and Support Action project aimed at enhancing, maturing, and demonstrating the novel infrasound interrogation

Z-MESMERISE technology in operational environments, including border controls at airports, sea-ports, and land borders, as well as in other contexts where the technology would be valuable, such as crowded events and prisons.


The project seeks to significantly improve a novel technology for rapidly detecting drugs, explosives, weapons, and illicit goods concealed on individuals and within critical cavities of the human body. This is achieved through infrasound mechanical impedance interrogation, optionally complemented by other harmless and non-contact technologies.


You can find more information about the MELCHIOR Project here:
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Fifteen (15) organizations from nine (9) European countries joined forces for a new project on technologies which enhance border and external security.


The project combines an ultra-high resolution multi-sensor surveillance payload for supporting border surveillance, search & rescue applications and specifically rough terrain detection.


The sensor payload includes synthetic aperture radar (SAR), shortwave/longwave infrared (SWIR/LWIR) and acoustic cameras for landscape mapping, as well as optical and hyperspectral cameras for indirect detection (via vegetation disturbance).


The project uses the ground-based infrastructure of border police units (command & control centers), innovative data models (to identify irregular crossing patterns and preferred routes) and advanced audio/video analytics and storage (to provide additional detection capabilities).


You can find more information about the BorderUAS Project here:




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